
Name Resources and Decisions
Model Smart City Concept Model
Diagram of the Resources and Decisions view showing concepts and relationships. RESOURCEs are ITEMs that can be put to a use, for a benefit.

RESOURCEs can be allocated to a SERVICE or a PLAN.

AGENTs take DECISIONs about ITEMs which are influenced by OBJECTIVEs. A DECISION can be about the application of a RESOURCE.

A city might wish to engage stakeholders about DECISION, and particularly about how RESOURCEs are allocated over SERVICEs and PLANs to achieve OBJECTIVEs.
Link to the Objective concept. Link to the Decision concept. Link to the Item concept. Link to the Plan concept. Link to the Resource concept. Link to the Service concept. Link to the Community concept. Link to the Agent concept.